Updating Codio Change Log

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

Learn why it's essential to maintain an updated Codio change log for unit revisions. Follow the outlined steps when making updates and republishing your Codio assignments.


  1. When you have completed your unit changes, click Publish in the upper right corner of the assignment or from the Education menu area.

  1. After you click Publish, a change log pop-up window will appear.
  1. Add the following information in the "Assignment versdions changelog..." field of the Change Log
  • A list of changes made to the unit
  • A link to the BugHerd issue referencing the issue or request for change (if applicable)
  • A link to the Wrike project task (to help cross-reference why the change was made)
  1. Click Publish.

Documenting Stack Changes

If you are updating a stack, please also update the stack documentation, including the change log. Include details about what was installed and the version number. Visit Stacks in Codio for detailed instructions.

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