Coding Master Course Template and Standards (8675309-CODE)

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

Courses that use Codio or MatLab will be built using the Coding Master Template, 8675309-CODE.

This course is currently in development, and is anticipated by April 2025.
There is a deliberate use of the term "Coding Course" rather than "STEM" in order to avoid confusion between courses that are science, technology, engineering, and math-based more generally and those whose projects are completed in Codio or MatLab.

Differences Between Coding Master Template and 8675309

There are several differences between the Coding Master Template and 8675309, mainly related to the difference in standards regarding accessing the final project part. These differences include:

  • Module-level requirement to complete graded assignments is not present.
  • Final Project: Complete and Submit module does not exist.
  • Syllabus language does not refer to the requirement to submit prior parts of a project before accessing the final project. Table of assignments includes assignment groups and percentage weights.
  • Course Details Module
    • Includes a Troubleshooting discussion
    • Preview Your Course Project page is present, but customized to include more details than in 87675309. Please see this article for examples from live courses and suggestions about what to include on this page.
  • AA Facilitator Notes page — no need for partial credit definitions
  • Troubleshooting discussion — add to Course Details Module
  • Homepage — will look different than 8675309 to reflect Coding Course build. (Editing will be needed, KB article with standards needed — involve Chad and Sally in determining what needs to be on homepage, as list of assignments can be very long)
  • Pre-populated with Coding pages in modules 

Additional Resources

See this article for a comparison of the three master course templates.

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