Changing Live Session Date and Time After Created with Facil Tool

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Changing Live Session Date and Time After Created with Facil Tool

There may come a time where you need to need to reschedule a live session date or time after you have already set them up using the Facil tool (steps on how to use to Facil tool can be found here if you need a refresher). This article will walk you through how to update the Live Session event date and time

Once a course has started, live sessions should only be rescheduled if absolutely necessary. Please visit this article for more guidance on steps you should take if you need to reschedule a live session after your course begins.

The procedure for rescheduling must be followed very methodically and carefully. The procedure can be summarized as these steps:

  1. From inside the course you'd like to edit, click the "Live Sessions" menu from the left-hand navigation, and click the blue name of the session you'd like to change:

Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Edit this Meeting":

Then, scroll back towards the top and edit the date/time as needed:

You'll want to be sure to scroll down and hit Save when done!

  1. Strike out the original date/times in the original Live Sessions announcement and add the new dates/times.
  2. Update the displayed date/time in the "Live Session Information" page (if the page exists) You can find this by going to Pages-> View all Pages-> Read: Live Session Information within your course:
  1. Update both the displayed date/time and the delayed release date/time for each of the two reminder announcements.
  2. Send a new announcement (released immediately) apologizing to the students for rescheduling and explain the new date/time.
  3. Use the Facil tool to refresh the calendar entries.
A video demonstrating these steps can be found in the "Rescheduling Live Sessions" tab on this FACT101 page.

How did we do?

When Should I Schedule My Live Sessions For?

Help! I Need to Reschedule a Live Session
