Creating a New Codio Unit

Casey Shew Updated by Casey Shew

Follow this process whenever creating a Codio Unit in Codio for a course under development.


  1. Under "Courses" in the left-side navigation, begin by clicking the "New Course" dropdown, followed by "Add Empty Course".
  2. Give the course a name, followed by "Dev/QA Source" (i.e., "<courseName> Dev/QA Source"). Select "eCornell" under the In "Organization" dropdown. Add the tag "Dev/QA Source". Finally, click Create Course.
  3. Once in the new course, click on the "Edit" tab. In the "New Module" dropdown, click "Add Empty Module".
  4. Under the "Add Assignment" dropdown, click on "Project Based".
  5. In most cases, you want to choose “Project based” here.
  6. From here, there are four options to choose from:
    1. "Empty with Stack" - Creates an empty Codio unit with a particular stack configuration.
    2. "Copy Project" - Copies an existing project. This could be helpful if a new unit needs to be made which is similar to another unit, but only needs a few slight changes
    3. "Starter Pack" - Creates a unit based on a templated unit containing particular stack, settings and files.
    4. "Import" - This holds an option to upload a ZIP file to create a unit.
  7. Name the unit in accordance with the course outline documentation, and click Create
  8. When the unit is ready for publishing, either click the green "Publish" button in the upper-right corner of Codio, or go to "Education > Publish". In the change log, type in "Initial publish" followed by any other information, if applicable.
  9. When all units have been created, integrate the course into Canvas.

How did we do?

Creating a New Codio Course

Integrating a Codio Course into Canvas
