Configuring Partial Point Autograders in Codio

Nick Updated by Nick

You can award partial points for student assessments in your testing scripts. Use the following Bash and Python grading scripts to enable partial points.

Example Bash grading script for partial points

If your test was written using a bash script, enable partial points similar to the following:

curl -s "$CODIO_PARTIAL_POINTS_URL&points=${POINTS}" > /dev/null

Example Python grading script for partial points

If your test was written using a Python script, enable partial points similar to the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import random
import sys
# import grade submit function
from lib.grade import send_partial
def main():
# Execute the test on the student's code
grade = random.randint(10, 50)

# Send the grade back to Codio with the penalty factor applied
res = send_partial(int(round(grade)))
exit( 0 if res else 1)


The score you award should be any value between 0 and the maximum score you specified when defining the assessment in the Codio authoring editor.

Also note: "Allow Partial Points" must be turned on in the "Execution" tab.

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