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Google Drive for Desktop Instructions

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

Using Google Drive for Desktop

What is Google Drive for Desktop? Why is it important?

Google Drive for Desktop is a Self Service app that has many functions, but mainly it syncs your online Google Drive to your computer’s Finder. In essence, Drive for Desktop is Google’s version of Dropbox. Like Dropbox, by accessing files through Google Drive for Desktop, you can open and manage files without downloading them. Open files from your finder’s Google drive and edit, save, and close files as you normally would. Your edits will be reflected in all instances in your and any collaborator’s Google Drive. This feature works especially well when working together on non-Google files such as MS Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, and InDesign files. Accessing these types of files is a crucial aspect of the downloadable process.

Follow the steps and practices below to ensure a seamless downloadable creation experience.  

Installing Google Drive for Desktop 

  1. Google Drive for Desktop needs an administrator to install and set it up: reach out to to get Drive for Desktop installed.

Using Google Drive for Desktop to Open/Edit Files

  1. Open Finder, and Click on the Google Drive tab.
  2. Navigate to Shared Drives, and then to CSG Tools.
    1. Open the certificate folder, i.e., SHA770s Advanced Hospitality Management.
    2. Open the course's creative folder, i.e., SHA771 Creative
    3. Open the InDesign folder to find the editable source files for any PDF course files (tools, action plans, glossary, activities, etc.).
      Note: Copy editors will open .indd files using InCopy, which only allows edits to the copy and not the layout/design. See InCopy IDA/ID/CE Team Instructions for more details.

Use Google Drive for Desktop

Shortcuts and Shift-Z

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Storing Documents in Multiple Locations
