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Wrike for External Collaborators: Views

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

Views Into Wrike


When you log into Wrike, you will see your home page. In the upper left corner there are the following three buttons: Menu, Inbox, Home. In the upper right corner, there are buttons for Request, More, and Help.

Let’s take a look at some of the menu options.


The round green plus-sign button at the left end of the top menu --

-- links to a set of forms for requesting services from various teams at eCornell. Unless specifically asked to do so by your eCornell contact, you won’t be using these forms. 


By default, Wrike opens to your Inbox, which contains all the messages you receive about the tasks that have been assigned to you. It functions like a standard email inbox: you can filter messages to show you the unread ones only. Using the icons in each message, you can also move messages to the Archive section to clean up the inbox (Wrike doesn’t allow you to delete them altogether), and star-mark messages you want to keep track of. 

For more detailed information on Wrike’s Inbox functionality, you can review this article from the Wrike Knowledge Base.

My Work

This section has been deprecated by Wrike, and will be removed from the interface (this is what constant improvement looks like!). The detailed task view functionality has been superseded by the My to-do section under Personal on the left menu (see below)


This functionality is not used by eCornell (but note the adorable cartoon cat in the default image).


You will generally not need to look at Reports in Wrike; however, if your eCornell contact creates and shares a report with you, this is where it will appear.


The Stream view shows you the current activity stream for all tasks to which you have been assigned, displaying them in order from most recent. You can open tasks from this menu, as well as see at a glance what actions have been performed on them. Note also that the Stream view exists in both the top menu and the Shared with me menu on the left side; when you click Stream Wrike moves you into Shared with me:

In Shared with me, there are other views available in addition to Stream: List; Board; Table; and Gantt Chart. These are discussed below (click the view name to jump to its section).

Left Menu: Personal

The left menu can be expanded or collapsed by clicking the hamburger menu to the left of the Request button:

My to-do

This is the main area for viewing and working with your assigned tasks. By default, it is set to filter by “Only active” tasks, and sort by “Date modified”. We recommend changing the sort order to “Date”:

This will organize your tasks by default into “TODAY”, “NEXT WEEK”, shown. From here, you will be able to open individual tasks, which will appear on the right in split-screen:

Within the task, you can perform actions such as commenting, changing the status, or attaching files: these are discussed in the article Wrike for External Collaborators: Tasks in Detail.

Created by me

This view shows tasks created by you. Since you do not have the ability to create tasks as an external collaborator, this view will remain forever empty.

Left Menu: Shared with me

The Shared with me section displays all tasks which have been shared with you (which includes all tasks assigned to you, as well as additional tasks that have been shared with you by their owners). There a few options for viewing and working with these tasks in addition to Stream (discussed above):


This display is a basic list, identical to the view of My to-do, with filter, sort, and open task options. For more detailed information on the List view, review this article from the Wrike Knowledge Base.


This view displays your tasks in a kanban board, with a more robust checkbox filter and a sorting option. You can change the Status of tasks in this view by dragging the task’s card from (for example) Planned to To Do. For more detailed information on the Board view, review this article from the Wrike Knowledge Base.


This view displays your tasks in a hierarchical spreadsheet table, with collapsible sections, and columns for Title, Assignee, Status, Start Date, Due Date, and Duration. You can filter tasks as in the other views, sort them via the Sort menu or by clicking on the columns, and open tasks (in this view, tasks open as a superimposed window rather than in split-screen). For more detailed information on the Table view, review this article from the Wrike Knowledge Base.

Gantt Chart

This view displays your tasks in a standard project-plan style Gantt chart, with a table on the left and a graphical task calendar on the right. As in the other views, you can filter and sort, and open individual tasks (to a window) by clicking on the graphical bar. Since you’ll be working more at the task level, this view will probably be less useful than the others. For more detailed information on the Gantt Chart view, review this article from the Wrike Knowledge Base.


As discussed above, the Stream view shows a list of activities performed in all the tasks shared with you. Because it is meant to show the current full activity stream, there are fewer options for filtering and sorting in this view (you can only hide or show updates). From here, you can open individual tasks into split-screen. For more detailed information on the Stream view, review this article from the Wrike Knowledge Base.

eCornell HelpDocs Articles:

Wrike Help Articles:

How did we do?

Wrike for External Collaborators: Getting Started

Wrike for External Collaborators: Tasks in Detail
