Table of Contents

On-Demand: Create a Blended Learning Guide (BLG)

The Blended Learning Guide (BLG) is a guide to assist workplace trainers, managers, and team leaders in conducting live sessions to complement an eCornell On-Demand lesson. This guide allows any leader to coach team members in the best practices and techniques explored in the associated eCornell On-Demand lesson.

BLGs can be built once the On-Demand tab of the CPT has been copyedited and the Creative team has provided templates.

The Write Content for On-Demand OD CPT tab task will be set to "Done" by Dayna Papaleo.

Request BLG Templates from Creative

  1. In Wrike, open the On-Demand Conversion parent task. Expand the corresponding tasks until you see the task titled Course Code - 2. Request BLGs.
  2. Enter the following required information in the task description:
    1. Course CPT link
    2. Parent Title of the course
    3. Each OD lesson titles
    4. Course Creative folder link
Note: Be sure that you provide the Graphic Designer with access to all Google Drive links you include.
  1. Once all information has been added, assign the task to the Graphic Design Coordinator and mark it as "To-Do". @mention them in a comment to let them know you need the BLG templates.
  2. Once the Creative team has created the BLG templates, they will be placed in a new folder titled "On-Demand BLGs" within the course Creative folder, and you will be notified via Wrike.

Creating a Blended Learning Guide in InCopy

  1. Add the On-Demand BLGs Creative folder provided by the Graphic Designer to your Drive.
For instructions on adding items to your Google Drive, please see the Google Sync Instructions article.
  1. Open InCopy.
  2. Click File > Open and navigate to the appropriate On-Demand BLG folder.
  3. Select the BLG InDesign file and click Open.
For additional information on working in InCopy, see the InCopy Team Instruction article.
  1. In the BLG file, navigate to the Review Key Concepts section. Delete the placeholder text and copy and paste the Lesson Description from the CPT into the BLG file. (Ignore the overset text warnings.
  2. Next, copy the listed Lesson Objectives (also referred to as Learning Objectives) from the CPT and paste them into the Lesson Objectives section of the BLG file in InCopy. (Ignore the overset text warnings.)
  3. If the lesson has tools, copy the tool names into the Tools section of the BLG file from the CPT. If the lesson does not have tools, enter “NO TOOLS” in the Tools section. The Graphic Designer will remove the section when they finalize the BLG. (Ignore the overset text warnings.)
  1. On the next page of the BLG file, move to the Discuss section. Delete the placeholder text and copy and paste the Reflect, Share, Apply sections from the CPT. (Ignore the overset text warnings.)
Tip: In the Discuss section, it can be easier to work from the bottom up due to InCopy's Copy Fit functionality.
Note: If there are formatting errors, such as the text style changing when you copy content from the CPT, don’t worry, the Graphic Designer will fix any issues.
  1. Save your work by performing a "Check In" of all of the sections of the file in InCopy.
For instructions on how to check in/save work in InCopy, see the InCopy Saving Edits article.
  1. Repeat this process with the remaining BLGs for the course.

BLG Review and QA Prep

  1. Once you have added content to all BLG files for a course, move to the appropriate task in Wrike and comment with an @mention to the Graphic Designer letting them know the BLGs are ready for finalization.
  2. The Graphic Designer will add PDFs to Wrike Proof for the IDA to review and approve.
    1. IDAs are responsible for ensuring that all required content has been properly transferred into the PDF.
  3. Once the PDF is approved, the IDA will set task status to “Ready for Review”, and assign the task to Lucienne Tompkins, the QA contractor for On-Demand.
  4. Once the Lucienne has alerted the IDA and Graphic Designer in Wrike that the PDF(s) are approved and the QA review complete, the Graphic Designer will upload the BLG InDesign files and PDFs to the appropriate S3 folders.
  5. The Graphic Designer will then add the PDF S3 links to the Wrike task description and comment with an @mention letting the IDA know that the S3 links are ready.
  1. The IDA then adds the S3 links to the Master On-Demand sheet in column Q.
  2. Once the BLG S3 links have been added to the Master On-Demand launch sheet, the Request BLGs task in Wrike can be marked to 'Done'.

File Naming and S3 Storage

OD File Naming Conventions

  • BLGs will be named as follows: COURSECODEODX. For example, JCB431OD1.

S3 Storage

  • InDesign: ecornell > content > On-Demand > BLGs > In-Design-Files
  • PDF’s: ecornell > content > On-Demand > BLGs

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On-Demand: Create Lesson Shells in Canvas
