2. Build On-Demand Lesson

On-Demand: Create a Blended Learning Guide (BLG)

Creating the Blended Learning Guide (BLG) for On-Demand.


On-Demand: Create Lesson Shells in Canvas

Creating On-Demand course lesson shells in Canvas.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

On-Demand: Populate Homepage Content

Populating the On-Demand home page content.


On-Demand: Add Quiz Assessment Content

Creating Lesson Quizzes in On-Demand courses.


On-Demand: Reformat Wrap-Up

Creating the Lesson Wrap-Ups for lessons.

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

On-Demand: Prepare Lesson for QA

The last step of building an On-Demand lesson is to prep the lesson for QA. This includes adding the test student account for QA/CE, and populating the "Master On-Demand" spreadsheet for the launch t…


On-Demand: Request Banner Image

Requesting banner images for OD courses.

Rachelle Jaffarian
Updated by Rachelle Jaffarian
