1. Complete Dev to QA Checklist

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

The Dev to QA Checklist is maintained by the QA Team in collaboration with IDDs and contains step by step instructions related to handing off a course from the development team (ID/IDA) to the QA team.

As of March 2024, there are three tabs in this checklist: one pertaining to short catalog courses, one pertaining to redux/revised/updated courses, and one pertaining to for-credit courses.

IDs or IDAs will access the relevant tab of the Dev to QA Checklist for instructions about how to prep the course for a handoff to QA.

If you think steps are missing from the Dev to QA Checklist, please submit a QA/CE Services Request via Wrike.

DEV to QA Checklist was updated April 2022 to match updated format of 2022 QA Tracker.

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