7. QA

7. QA - Wrike Task Definitions

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "QA" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missi…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

1. Complete Dev to QA Checklist

The Dev to QA Checklist is maintained by the QA Team in collaboration with IDDs and contains step by step instructions related to handing off a course from the development team to the QA team. Find a link to the checklist, an explanation of who should use it, and directions for requesting an update to the checklist in this article.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

2. Copy Edit Captions

SRT files are used to generate on-screen video captions, searchable text for the transcript "widget" in Canvas, and the printable course transcript.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

2. Copy Edit Course & Files

Directions to copy edit Canvas courses, as well as INDD and other file types.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

4. Conduct Content QA of Course

In short, you will ensure the course is launch-ready, and you'll log any items that need to be addressed to achieve this in the QA tracker for the course.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

4. Final Creative Review and Export

The tasks the Creative team completes to finalize course files are detailed here.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Adding Chat With Tech Support to Course Navigation

These directions will allow you to add a "Chat With Tech Support" widget to the course navigation menu.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

5. Implement QA Edits

After a member the QA team has completed copy edit and QA of the course and files, the Implement QA Edits Wrike task will be completed, usually by the IDA assigned to the course. To implement QA edit…

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Working With Video Captions That Contain Special Characters

3Play does not support the use of special characters — M-dashes, accents, foreign characters, etc. — and so special care must be taken when working with video transcripts that need these characters.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Copy Edit Captions in SubPLY

Copy Edit Captions (SRT Files) in SubPLY. SRT files are used to generate on-screen video captions, searchable text for the transcript "widget" in Canvas, and the printable course transcript. Video ca…

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Creating a Course Style and Settings Guide

The eCornell Course Style and Settings Guide is an essential tool that the LSG team (ID/IDA and QA/CE team) must use to review courses accurately before publication. It is especially helpfu…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

QA and Deployment of Courses With Doc-based Projects in 2025

Per Susan, as of early Jan 2025, all courses — whether they use quiz-based projects or launch with document-based projects — will need some standards we’ve been lumping under “PRJ Conversion” applied…

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Copy Editing Content in Frame.io

Prior to animation, copy editors review artboards in Frame.io to ensure there are no typos and the text follows eC standard styling. This process will save costly revisions post third-party animation.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Copy Edit Captions in 3Play

Overview. Beginning April 2023, eC has transitioned to using 3Play to caption videos for courses in development. Find directions on copy editing captions and gaining access to video transcripts below…

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Tag a Video for Transcription by 3Play

Tag a Video for Transcription by 3Play. In order for a video to be transcribed by 3Play, it must first be tagged for transcription in Kaltura. To do that: Log in to Kaltura. Find the video by searchi…

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

Course QA Checklists

A short list of what to look for when performing QA in a pre-launch course.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce
