Table of Contents

On-Demand: Add Quiz Assessment Content

There is one On-Demand Lesson Quiz in each OD lesson. Content for these quizzes are copied from the CPT OD tab and pasted into the Canvas Lesson Quiz template in the ODL_01 template.

  1. In Wrike, navigate to the Build OD Lesson #  task for the lesson you are building. Set the task to "In Progress".
  2. Open your OD lesson.
  3. Open the CPT OD tab for the full-length course.

Add Quiz Question and Feedback to Lesson Quiz Template

Although content for each quiz is different, the settings for the quiz is configured properly, so they do not need to be edited each time.
  1. Open the lesson you are working on. Click Modules from the left navigation pane.
  1. Click "+" in the Module title heading.
  2. Select Quiz from the dropdown menu. Select Lesson Quiz from the choices displayed.
  1. Click Add item.
  2. Drag the Lesson Quiz so it appears directly before the Lesson Wrap-Up.
  1. Open the Lesson Quiz page.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Click the Questions tab.
  4. Navigate to the CPT OD tab.
  5. Scroll to the Lesson Quiz Questions and copy and paste each:
    1. Question
    2. Answer choice
    3. Smart feedback
  6. Verify that the correct question type is chosen. If there is more than one correct answer, change the question type from "Multiple Choice" to "Multiple Answer".
  7. Select the correct answers to each question by clicking the arrows to the left of each answer choice.
Skim the text to check for obvious typos or answers that are not configured properly (i.e., an answer choice that is Smart Feedback suggests that the answer is incorrect but is marked correct). Fix any obvious issues as you copy over the content, or if you are unsure, ask the writer to verify the content.
A Lesson Quiz always has a minimum of four questions. If a quiz exceeds that number, adjust the Details section of the quiz to reflect that the student must answer at least three questions correctly in order to achieve completion. For example, if a Lesson Quiz has six questions, then the number three in the second bullet of the details section should be amended to read five.

  1. Click Save.

How did we do?

On-Demand: Populate Homepage Content

On-Demand: Reformat Wrap-Up
