Facilitator Onboarding at eCornell

Allison McComb Updated by Allison McComb

Facilitator Onboarding at eCornell

We are delighted to have you join our team of course facilitators at eCornell!

Shortly after your NetID has been created by Cornell University HR, the eCornell Facilitation Support Team (FST) will reach out to you to begin the formal onboarding process. All communications from the FST will come from ec_facilitation@cornell.edu.

Here is a brief overview of the steps you will take in the onboarding process:

  1. With the help of eCornell IT, the FST will assist you in obtaining an eCornell Gmail account.
  2. Then, you will be enrolled into the Facilitator Training Program (a training course with all the "need to knows") for your role as a Course Facilitator. More information on navigating your multiple eCornell accounts can be found in this article.
  3. Then, you will be enrolled into one or more courses for you to learn, which you will be authorized to facilitate in the future. You can learn more on how to get the most out of training courses in this article.
  4. Finally, upon successful completion of the courses assigned in step 3, you will shadow one of our current Lead Course Facilitators in a live, ongoing course. You will also attend a facilitator Q&A session before beginning your first course as an authorized facilitator. You can learn more about your shadowing experience from the information in this article.
On the first and third Tuesday of each month FST will offer an “Onboarding FAQ” Zoom session on this link at 1:30 PM EST.  Please feel free to join us if you have any questions or concerns while you go throughout the Onboarding process!

How did we do?

Why Do I Have Multiple eCornell email and Canvas Accounts?
