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On-Demand: Request Banner Image

Rachelle Jaffarian Updated by Rachelle Jaffarian

Every On-Demand course homepage includes a custom banner image pertaining to the course content. Requesting, creating, obtaining, and implementing banner images is a joint effort between the GD and the IDA assigned.

Banner images can be requested once On-Demand content has been written and approved. If unsure about the status of the content, refer to the "Write Content for On-Demand OD Tab" task.

Request the Banner Image

  1. Input all necessary information into the templated Request Banner Image task. This includes:
    1. A link to the master course.
    2. List of all On-Demand lesson titles for the course.
  2. Assign the task to Melanie Arnold and set the task to "To-Do". Melanie will delegate the task to another GD.
  3. Once complete, the GD will tag you to inform you that they've created banner images for all OD lessons and uploaded them to Google Drive.

Upload the Banner Images to S3

  1. All banner images are uploaded to a Google Drive folder called "Backlog Work". You can access this folder here:
  2. Locate the banner images for your OD lessons and download them to your computer.
    1. You can also sync this folder by typing Shift + Z. For more information on syncing Drive folders, visit the Google Sync Instructions article.
There will always be two versions for every banner image. You will need to download or sync all versions of each banner image.
  1. Once the banner images have been downloaded or synced, upload the V1 image to the Banners bucket: ecornell > content > On-Demand > Homepages > Banners
  2. Make the image public.
  3. Upload the V2 image to to the Banners bucket: ecornell > content > On-Demand > Homepages > Banners > dash-crops.
  4. Make the image public.

Embed Banner Images Into Canvas

You will only use the V1 banner images in Canvas.
  1. The ODL_01 template has a placeholder banner image with an S3 link for 'LSM587'.
  2. To change this templated banner out for the new banner images, you need to change the course code within the S3 link.
    1. The current S3 template link reads:
    2. Consider you are working on a build for SLN574OD1. The new S3 link should read:
  3. Click save and verify that the banner is embedded properly.

How did we do?

On-Demand: Prepare Lesson for QA
