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3. Ask the Experts - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Ask the Experts" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Setup Docs for ATEs

Basic Task Description

  • The ID is accountable for this task and may complete all of it, but all or parts of it can be delegated to the IDA.
  • Setting up ATE documents includes updating tab in the CPT and drafting the initial faculty and/or expert communications.

Workflow Guidelines

Workflow depends on when the ID and faculty determine the ATE features will be used.

  • NO ATEs
    • If the decision is absolute, can delete this task.
    • If there is a chance an expert will be used, 
      • Mark the Ask the Ask the Expert milestone task and ALL the subtasks Not Applicable AND 
      • Delete all dates (if there are dates in place, the task will show up on the assignees workload).
  • Yes ATEs
    • The task is marked in progress once the decision in made to include the future
    • The task is marked complete when the CPT ATE tab is started and when the initial communications are shared with the faculty (e.g. sample wording requesting the expert’s participation and expert questions drafted).

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?


In Wrike, there is no predecessor. It is one of the tasks indicated by a 3., which includes animation and glossary. This is a reasonable time for this, as faculty content is shot, so it’s possible to think about augmenting that content with ATEs.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • These are “optional” for courses (while still being highly recommended and valuable to the learners.)
  • This content should not be required learning for the project. It is not content for OD BLG.
  • Faculty don’t always understand the role of experts in the course.

2. Plan ATE Shoots

Basic Task Description

Typically, ATE shoots are conducted over zoom. In this case, the ID/A contacts the video production manager to identify VP availability and then coordinates with the expert to select a time.

Workflow Guidelines

This task is managed by the ID or IDA

  1. Start date is once a faculty obtains an agreement to participate from the expert and sends an email introduction to the ID.
  2. Once the ID/A emails the initial communication to the expert, they mark the task In Progress
  3. The task is complete when the shoot is scheduled

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?

Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Ask the Experts > Setup Docs for ATEs is complete.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Some IDs divide this task with the IDAs, others assign it to IDAs

3. Conduct ATE Shoots

Basic Task Description

Video producer and ID/IDA run video shoot with expert.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. As soon as convenient for expert, ID/IDA, and video producer (no studio required when remote).
  2. When the shoot is scheduled, ID/IDA should include Zoom link and invite all necessary personnel 
  3. The ID notes the planned date in the start/due dates and notes the date in the task description.
  4. Upon completion of the shoot, the VP marks the task complete and moves to the Edit & Post Raw ATEs task.
  5. If ATE is going to be in person, ID/IDA works with VP Manger to book studio space

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?

Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Ask the Experts > Plan ATE Shoots is complete.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Pre-arranged questions are asked; this is not an interview.

4. Edit & Post Raw ATEs

Basic Task Description

Editor breaks up ATE into segments and uploads V1 videos to FrameIO

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The VP makes this task To Do upon completion of the video shoot 
  2. The VP manager tags the video editor and request them to  start the task; the VP should also cc via a tag the ID
  3. The Editor marks the task In Progress, and processes, edits,  and uploads videos to FrameIO for ID review
  4. The editor marks the task Ready for Review and tags the ID via comments.
  5. The ID reviews the videos:
  6. If the videos are OK, the ID marks the task done, tags the Editor to notify them the task is complete, and moves to the Annotate Raw ATEs task.
    1. If the videos need additional editing or if something does not look correct, the marks the task To Do and tags the Editor requesting the fix.
    2. The tags/task updates continue until the ID approves the videos.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video Editor

Who Defines Dates?

Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Ask the Experts > Conduct ATE Shoots is complete.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

FrameIO link for reviewable playlist will be posted in Wrike task

5. Annotate Raw ATEs

Basic Task Description

In FrameIO, ID or IDA adds in the questions, the expert’s name and title, and indicates where each video should start and finish

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The ID marks this task To Do once the raw videos are approved
  2. The ID/A marks this task In Progress once they start working in FrameIO.
  3. The ID/A marks this task Done when they are complete and ready to return the videos to the editor.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?

Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Ask the Experts > Edit & Post Raw ATEs is complete.

6. Edit & Post Final ATEs

Basic Task Description

Editor uses annotation notes from ID to finalize videos, including any additional trimming to videos and adding graphics (lower thirds, questions) and uploads them to Kaltura.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The ID marks this task To Do, ensure the Editor is the Assignee, and tags the editor in the comments section notifying them the videos are ready for them.
  2. The Editor marks the task In Progress when they begin to make the edits.
  3. Editor uses notes in FrameIO to finalize ATE video clips, including content trimming, graphics for questions, and lower thirds. 
  4. When the videos are ready for review, the editor:
    1. Marks the task “Ready for Review” 
    2. Tags the ID to review the task
  5. The ID reviews the videos.
    1. The ID tags the Editor, marks the task to do. If additional changes are needed, the ID makes notes for the editor. If they are OK, the ID lets the Editor know they are approved.
  6. The Editor 
    1. If there are additional revisions, the editor makest the revisions and returns them to the ID for review.
    2. If the videos are approved, the editor, exports the final videos and uploads them to Kaltura and updates the CPT
  7. Editor marks the task done and tags the ID when the completed videos are uploaded Kaltua.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Assigned Video Editor

Who Defines Dates?

Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Ask the Experts > Annotate Raw ATEs is complete.

7. Embed Final ATEs in Course

Basic Task Description

IDA puts final approved videos into Canvas

There is also text that needs to be written for these pages by IDA/ID

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Upon notification that the final videos are uploaded to Kaltura, the ID:
    1. Assign the task to the IDA
    2. Marks the task To Do
    3. Tags the ID in comments to begin the task.
  2. The IDA changes the task status to In Progress when they begin the work.
  3. The IDA marks the task Ready for Review and tags the ID that the videos are added to Canvas and ready for review.
  4. The ID confirms the videos are in the correct place and the ATE pages are complete.
    1. If yes, the ID marks the task Done and notifies the IDA via tag in comments.
    2. If there is additional work (e.g. canvas content/layout changes or errors in video placement), the ID marks the task To Do and tags the IDA with the revision notes.
  5. Ready for Review and To Do tasks are iterative until the pages are complete and the task can be marked Done.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Ask the Experts > Edit & Post Final ATEs is complete.
  • ID (or IDA in consultation with ID) manage the dates of this task

8. Send Forms & Collect Bios from ATEs

Basic Task Description

IDA manages communication with expert and tracks this material in the CPT.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID marks this task “to do” when scheduling the video shoot.
  2. IDA marks this task In Progress when the initial request for the bio, headshot, and talent release form are sent to the expert.
  3. IDA marks the task Done when all the content is received.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • IDA/ID regarding wrike updates
  • ID/IDD regarding any difficulties or delays obtaining signed talent release, bios, or headshots.

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Ask the Experts > Embed Final ATEs in Course is complete.
  • This step should be initiated earlier, happening all along the process, and completed at this point

Common Mistakes/Confusion

The IDA is the owner of this task. The IDA should make notes in the task description every time they reach out to the expert for information.

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Ask the Expert Standards and Functionality
