Table of Contents

Motion Contractor Guide for IDAs / IDDs

Yumi Suh Updated by Yumi Suh

The Motion Design Coordinator is the primary eCornell Point of Contact for Motion Vendors/Contractors.
  • Primary: Motion Design Coordinator Jason Morisette
    • For communication regarding but not limited to:
      • Initial assigning of projects to motion vendors
      • Sharing vendor weekly status updates on current projects
      • Addressing conflicts concerning and/or impacting vendors
  • Art and Animation Supervisor Steve Bayne will be primary back-up when Jason is unavailable
Project communication with vendors will occur within dedicated Slack channels

When assigning projects, the Motion Design Coordinator will create a dedicated Slack channel for the course/certificate, inviting the Contractor, ID, eCornell illustrator and any other stakeholders.*

Frame.IO will still be used for revision notes specific to individual videos/artboards

*Please tag all primary stakeholders whom the communication is directed at with the @name function.

Wrike Updates

The Motion Design Coordinator will relay project status updates on Wrike.

Contractors will meet with the Motion Design Coordinator weekly to:

  1. Provide weekly project status updates
  2. Share and discuss any new or ongoing challenges
  3. Share scheduling/personnel updates or process changes

Motion Project Standards 

All motion will follow the eCornell approved style guidelines: eCornell Brand Guide.
  • These timelines are general expectations and may vary depending on the level of urgency and the complexity/volume of requested animation


  • 5 days to complete V1s
  • 7 days to complete Review/Revisions

Motion Design

  • 5 days to complete V1s
  • 5 days to complete Review/Revisions

Motion Design Review

Upon completion of V1s, contractors will upload videos to FrameIO and change statuses to “Needs Review.” They then notify both the Instructional Designer (ID) and Art Director (AD) Ana Juan-Gomez via Slack to initialize the review process.
  • Unless instructed otherwise, contractors will wait for both ID and AD to complete their reviews before beginning revisions.There may be times when the ID also requests contractors to wait for faculty review prior to beginning.
  • If an extended period of time elapses before reviews are complete, contractors should coordinate with the ID for updated timelines.
    • Upon final approval of course videos, contractors will back up final videos and project files to their respective folders in Box.

How did we do?

DRAFT - FrameIO Process Walkthrough

Requesting / Using Stock Imagery (Getty Images and Shutterstock)
