3. Animation

​Motion Contractor Guide for IDAs / IDDs

Motion Contractor Guide for IDs/IDDs.

Yumi Suh
Updated by Yumi Suh

3. Animation - Wrike Task Definitions

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Animation (Standard)" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything ou…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

2. Artboard Collab Doc Prep

Annotation Doc Template Transcripts: Login to Subply -> Search for video using Kaltura code -> Select Paragraph text -> Copy transcript -> Paste into Annotations doc


6b. Motion Design Review and Revise


Who to Tag for Animations Tasks

Who tag for CSG-specific Wrike tasks.


3. Artboard Collab Process Walkthrough


DRAFT - FrameIO Process Walkthrough


Requesting / Using Stock Imagery (Getty Images and Shutterstock)

Getty Images and Shutterstock Process. Please request any images from either Getty Images or Shutterstock to CSG personnel (Only CSG personnel will have download access, everyone else will have view-…

Yumi Suh
Updated by Yumi Suh
