Table of Contents

On-Demand: Prepare Lesson for QA

The last step of building an On-Demand lesson is to prep the lesson for QA. This includes adding the test student account for QA/CE, and populating the "Master On-Demand" spreadsheet for the launch team.

To start, open the following tools:

  • The “Build OD Lesson #” Wrike tasks for the lessons you have built
  • The OD lessons you built in Canvas.
  • The Master On-Demand launch sheet

Add the Test Student

  1. In the left navigation menu in canvas, click 'People'.
  1. Within this page, select the '+ People' button in the top right corner.
  1. In the Add People pop-up box that appears, add in the "Email Addresses (required)" box. Set the Role to "Teacher".

Populate the Master On-Demand Launch Sheet

  1. In the Master On-Demand launch sheet, navigate to the CATCH ALL DRAFT LESSONS tab at the bottom.
  2. Scroll down until you see blank rows with no content.
  3. In those blank rows, add in information for columns C, D, E, F, N, O, and R for each of the OD lessons you created.
Note: Be sure to hyperlink your lesson codes to the OD lesson you created.


  1. In the Build OD Lesson task in Wrike, IDAs only complete Step 1 in the description field:
  1. Once all steps in Step 1 are complete, the IDA tags Lucienne Tompkins that the lesson is ready for CE. The IDA also assigns Lucienne to the ticket (leaving themselves assigned as well).

How did we do?

On-Demand: Reformat Wrap-Up

On-Demand: Request Banner Image
