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Course Content Deletion Utility — Removing All Course Content

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

Course Content Deletion Utility — Removing All Course Content 

In order to facilitate the creation and association of Blueprint Master courses with already live Training and Demo courses, Casey Shew has created a utility that will allow you to permanently delete all content from a course: the course content deletion utility.

This utility is currently only being used by the QA team and select individuals who were trained in 2024.

For the purposes of creating and associating Blueprints, this method is to be used rather than using Canvas’s built in “Reset Course Content” process, which changes the url of the course as part of the reset.

To delete all content from a course, follow Casey’s three-step instructions within the utility.

Especially note that there is no way to undo this so please be very careful that you specify the correct course URL when using it. If there is not already a mostly identical copy of this course in existence, it is recommended to make a copy as a backup before running this utility. You may also choose to open the course whose content you will be deleting in a separate window to ensure it is the right course (i.e., not the -M or a live section).

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