Table of Contents

On-Demand: Populate Homepage Content

The On-Demand homepage provides students with an overview of what to expect in the lesson, including the lesson objectives, different types of pages they will interact with, and faculty information. This information will come from the CPT On-Demand tab and the master course.

For questions about the homepage template, refer to the homepage of the canvas template: ODL_01.

Populate the Homepage Sections

  1. In Wrike, navigate to the Build OD Lesson 1 task for the lesson you are building. Set the task to "In Progress".
  2. Open the CPT OD tab for the full-length course.
  3. In another tab, open the lesson you created. Begin filling in the homepage content as follows.

“You Will” Section

To populate the section, copy and paste the Learning Objectives (LOs) from the OD CPT tab. If there are more than two learning objectives, press Enter to create a new bullet.

“Includes” Section

  1. To populate this section, open the Modules view in a different window.
  2. Count each different page type.
  3. For video pages, check each video page to identify any multi-video pages. Each video should be counted, not just each page. For example, there may be 4 video pages listed in the Modules view, but two pages have two videos each, so you would identify 6 videos in the Home Page list.
  4. Add the appropriate number of each page/video to the appropriate tag.
  5. Remove the tags for any page types that are not included in the lesson.
  6. Click Save.
Tip: Always spell out any numbers under "10". For example, instead of "5 videos" you would input "Five videos".

By default, there is always a “One lesson quiz” and “One lesson transcript” at the bottom of the list.

Embed the Banner Image

Note: If you're unsure if banner images have been created yet, check the On-Demand Conversion Wrike tasks. If the Request Banner Images task is marked as "Ready for Review" or "Done", the banner images are ready to be uploaded to S3 and added to your OD course.
  1. If the banner images are ready from the Creative team, uploaded them to S3. If the Creative team is still working on the images, they can be added later.
  2. The ODL_01 template has a placeholder banner image with an S3 link for 'LSM587'.
  3. To change the template banner, change the course code within the S3 link.
    1. The current S3 template link reads:
    2. Replace the template course code with your course code, for example, SLN574OD1. The new S3 link should read:
  4. Click Save and verify that the banner embedded properly.

Configure Lesson Duration, Author Information, and Headshot Section

  1. On the lesson homepage, click Edit. From the dropdown menu, select < / > HTML view.
  2. Navigate to the <div class="length"> code block. Enter the appropriate lesson duration inside of this div in the following format, using an example of a lesson that is 60 minutes in duration.

<div class="length">60 MIN</div>

  1. Navigate to the <div class="author"> code block. Enter the appropriate faculty information in the placeholder texts within the code. This includes: Faculty Name, Title, School, and the S3 link to the faculty headshot.

<div class="author">

<div class="name">Faculty Name</div>

<div class="title">Title<br />School<br />Cornell University</div>

<div class="pic"><img src="faculty-image-url" alt="" /></div>

Faculty Headshot Format

Faculty headshots on the On-Demand course homepage are circular. In order for this format to work, the original faculty headshot file must be a square. To check if the faculty headshot is a square or not:

  1. Right-click on the headshot from the original course's homepage and click Copy Image Address (exact wording will vary by browser).
  1. Open a new tab and paste the URL into the browser URL field. Hit Enter.
    1. If the faculty image displayed in the browser is a perfect square:
      1. Paste the faculty image URL over the 'faculty-image-URL' placeholder text.
      2. Click Save.
      3. Verify the author's image, name, and title are all appearing correctly.
    2. If the faculty image displayed is not a square:
      1. Download the image to your computer.
      2. Open the Mac application, Preview, to edit the image.
        1. Open the faculty image file in Preview.
        2. Click Tools from the header bar and verify that Rectangular Selection is selected.
        3. Click and drag on the image to create a square image of the picture.
        4. When satisfied with your image, click Tools and select Crop, or hit "command + K" to crop the image as well.
        5. Save the new version using the following naming convention: od-homepage-faculty_lastname_firstname.jpg.
        6. Open S3.
        7. Upload the square version of the image to the following bucket: eCornell > content > On-Demand > Homepages > Faculty.
          Be sure to make the file public.
      3. Copy the file link and replace the placeholder text "faculty-image-URL" in the code.
      4. Click Save. Verify the author's image, name, and title are all appearing correctly.
  2. Repeat the above process if there is more than one author for the lesson to ensure each headshot is in the appropriate format.

Set Start Button URL

  1. From anywhere in the course, click Modules in the left navigation menu.
  2. Right click on the first page in the lesson. Select Copy Link Address from the dropdown.
  3. Navigate to the course homepage.
  4. Click Edit. From the dropdown menu, select < / > HTML view.
  5. At the bottom of the HTML, paste this link over the following placeholder text:
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click Start once to verify that it loads the first page of the lesson.

How did we do?

On-Demand: Create Lesson Shells in Canvas

On-Demand: Add Quiz Assessment Content
