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4. Canvas Text - Wrike Task Definitions

Casey Shew Updated by Casey Shew

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Canvas Text" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Add Non-Tool/Remaining Assets to Canvas

Basic Task Description

  • After CSG has finalized all tools, course project, glossaries and any other downloadable documents, IDA adds links to page
  • IDA drafts intro text for page (e.g. describing what a tool is for)

Workflow Guidelines

  1. CSG or ID or IDA marks Tool tasks done
  2. IDA drafts intro text for tool or other downloadable
  3. IDA assigns ID review of draft text
  4. ID reviews , makes revisions as needed, approves and marks the task Done

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • Tools/downloadable  tasks not marked complete when they are done
  • ID/A does not keep dates current

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2. Write Page Intros & Context

Basic Task Description

  • IDA drafts video intros., assigns to ID for review
  • ID reviews drafts, updates and approves, or reassigns to IDA for further revisions

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID sets deadlines during project planning
  2. ID updates deadlines as needed
  3. ID assigns to IDA and marks “to do”
  4. IDA marks “in progress” and writes the video intros and context 
  5. When drafts are complete, IDA tags ID to review of intros and sets the status to Ready for Review
  6. ID reviews and approves intros marking task “done” or edits or reassigns to IDA for edits as needed

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • ID not assigned task once IDA has completed drafts
  • ID doesn’t keep dates current

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3. Write Course & Module Intros/Wrapups

Basic Task Description

ID (or IDA delegate) writes Module intros, wrap ups, course home page and thank you farewell

Workflow Guidelines

  1. ID sets deadlines during project planning
  2. ID updates deadlines as needed
  3. ID marks “to do”
  4. ID begins task, switching status in task to “In Progress”
  5. ID marks task “done” when complete

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  •  ID does not keep dates current

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