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Migrating to Updated Codio Courses

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll


The final deployment of a new Codio master course requires a tailored approach for each STEM course in Canvas. In some situations, we need to continue using the same Canvas course but deploy a new Codio course in the existing -M Canvas course. In this case, we cannot reroute the Canvas course-duplication middleware to the new Codio course. This article guides you through the process of transitioning from an existing course to its updated version in Codio, ensuring that the same Canvas course structure and content are maintained. Follow these steps exactly to ensure a smooth content swap, which is crucial for upholding course integrity and adhering to the existing Canvas and middleware configurations.

This process has been necessary for existing courses such as MSL (v2), CAC100s, and CIS561.


Clone Existing Course

  1. Log into Codio, click Courses in left navigation sidebar, and search for the course that needs to be archived (i.e., the existing Master-Source course).
  2. Click the three dots icon that appears on the right side of the window, to the right of the desired course title, in that row.
  3. Click Clone Course
  4. Rename the course using the same title as original title, but this time add the following: V1-ARCHIVE
  5. add the following tag in the TAGS field: V1
Leave the archive date blank
  1. Click the blue button: Create Course.
Rename the cloned course
  1. After the course is cloned, check to make sure you are in the new cloned course
  2. Click Course Details in the left navigation column.
  3. Rename the course to include any special characters that were not allowed when initially cloning the course.
  4. Click the blue Save button.

Archive the V1 Archive Course

  1. In Codio, navigate back to the Courses page in left navigation sidebar, and search for the new course you just created, the one that needs to be archived.
It is VERY important you choose the new archive course, NOT the original master source course!
  1. Click the menu on the right side of the course (3 horizontal dots) and choose and choose Archive Course.
  2. In the confirmation dialog, enter make read-only and click Yes.

Prepare Master Source Course

Delete All Modules from Existing Master Course

In the original Master course, delete all modules and units. Use the following steps:

  1. Navigate to Edit Assignments in the COURSE navigation column
  2. Click the red Delete text in the upper right corner of the Codio window to delete an entire module.
    1. Enter the confirmation code that appears in the Delete Module Confirmation pop-up window. Click the blue YES button.
    2. Repeat this process for every module.
Add Existing Content to Master Course

Transfer all modules and units from the V2 Final/Master into the Original Master course. Use the following steps:

  1. While still in the in Edit Assignments section of the Master course, click the blue New module button
    1. Click Add Copy From Existing
    2. Choose the course that contains the newest content. (Example: CAC102: UPDATE)
    3. Select all modules as seen in screenshot below.
Disconnect Parent Assignments
  1. While still on the Edit Assignments screen, locate the Versions column, then click on the Versions icon for the first assignment in the list.
  2. Click the Disconnect button.
  3. Type Disconnect in the confirmation field when prompted. Then, click Disconnect.
  4. Repeat the steps above for each assignment until all assignments are disconnected.
Be sure to check all Modules to ensure course structure and content integrity!

Codio Integration with Canvas

  1. Verify that all Codio units open and are linked to the correct course in Codio (i.e., the original Master with the V2 content)
  2. In Canvas course settings > Apps tab, check to make sure the Codio app parameter settings are correct.
For more info on Codio parameter settings, please visit Setting Up the Class Fork
  1. Test the course fork
    Follow the fork testing process as shown in the article Setting Up the Class Fork

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