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Ask the Expert Standards and Functionality

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

The Meet the Experts and Ask the Expert pages in Canvas work together to deliver meaningful content. Please review these notes when using these page types.


  • The number of Ask the Expert interviews listed on the course homepage is the number of people interviewed, regardless of how many ATE pages appear in the course.
  • The "Meet the Experts" page in the Master Course Template should be used once per course to introduce all course experts at once. It should be published but not appear in Modules view. Read more details about Meet the Experts functionality in the Meet the Experts article.
  • The title of each Ask the Expert page will communicate the topic discussed and the expert(s) interviewed, as appears in the Master Course Template and should appear as follows: "Ask the Expert: [Expert name/s] on [topic]".
  • Remember that any headshots need to be perfectly square in order to render in a circle. Please involve CSG to edit any images that are not square and to replace them in S3.
  • Follow these naming conventions for experts.

Playlist Options for Experts

Beginning in February 2024, there are several ways experts may appear in a course: by themselves on only one page, by themselves across several course pages, with other experts who are addressing the same topic, or with other experts who are all addressing different topics on a common theme. Each of these scenarios is addressed below.

Single Expert on Only One Course Page

If there is only one expert who appears on only one course page in the entire Canvas course, it is appropriate to use the Single Expert page template in 8675309.

Fill in the required information related to the expert (link to S3 image, expert name, expert title, and expert bio) and the video (video ID, title of video or topic, and description).

If the course has more than one ATE page on which any number of experts appear, a different approach is needed. See below for more details.
Single Expert on Multiple Course Pages

If there is only one expert but they appear on more than one course page, the approach is instead to use the Expert Name(s) on Multiple Topics template in 8675309 and bring in the expert bio from a single MTE page rather than building it manually on each ATE page. 

There are several fields to complete in the template.

  1. The location of the MTE page has been pre-populated with the standard slug meet-the-experts, but if you’ve renamed the page (i.e., Meet the Activists or Meet the Panel), you would use that slug instead. Find it in the URL of the Meet the Experts page you created. See the Meet the Experts article for more information about using slugs.
  2. The video IDs.
  3. The title of the video. Sometimes, “Question” or “Question 1” is appropriate here.
  4. A description of the video. This is typically the question that was asked.
  5. The number of the expert from the Meet the Experts page in this course. The order the expert is listed in corresponds to their number. In this case of a single expert, their expert  number will appear several times, once for each video. 
Building single expert ATE pages in this manner means that the bio only needs to be copy edited or updated in one location — the MTE page — rather than in several ATE pages, each of which may require edits.
Multiple Experts on the Same Topic

If there are multiple experts who address the same topic, the approach is to use the Multiple Experts on Single Topic template in 8675309. Each expert's bio will be brought in from the MTE page, and a single question all experts addressed will appear.

There are several fields to complete in the template.

  1. The location of the MTE page has been pre-populated with the standard slug meet-the-experts, but if you’ve renamed the page (i.e., Meet the Activists or Meet the Panel), you would use that slug instead. Find it in the URL of the Meet the Experts page you created. See the Meet the Experts article for more information about using slugs.
  2. The common question all experts are addressing. 
  3. A description of the common question, or additional text describing the context or the topic.
  4. The video IDs.
  5. The number of each expert from the Meet the Experts page in this course. The order the expert is listed in corresponds to their number.
Multiple Experts on Multiple Topics

If there are multiple experts who address different but related questions on a common theme, the approach is to use the Expert Name(s) on Multiple Topics template in 8675309. Each expert's bio will be brought in from the MTE page, and each question will appear.

There are several fields to complete in the template.

  1. The location of the MTE page has been pre-populated with the standard slug meet-the-experts, but if you’ve renamed the page (i.e., Meet the Activists or Meet the Panel), you would use that slug instead. Find it in the URL of the Meet the Experts page you created. See the Meet the Experts article for more information about using slugs.
  2. The video IDs.
  3. The title of each video. Sometimes, “Question” or “Question 1” is appropriate here.
  4. A description of each video. This is typically the question that was asked.
  5. The number of the expert appearing in each video, which can be found on the Meet the Experts page in the course. The order the expert is listed in corresponds to their number. In the case that the same expert addresses several questions, their expert number will appear several times, once for each video. 
Any number of experts, in any order, can appear on ATE pages throughout a course using the multiple experts on multiple topics playlist.

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