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Discussion Page Standards

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

General Discussion Guidelines

Per instructor feedback, structure the discussion so that it's really clear what the learners have to respond to. We want try to structure it in a way that they have to respond meaningfully. We also want it to be easy for the instructors to tell whether they've met the requirement for meaningful discussion or not. The discussion prompt doesn't have to be numbered (but it could be).

Examples & Template

Weak example: Which do you prefer: A or B?

Strong example: Create a post in which you take a position on the relative superiority of A vs. B. Explain your rationale and offer evidence in support of your position.

Discussion Page Template

Number of Discussions per Course
  • Two required, graded discussions — and only two discussions — per catalog course.
  • A third non-graded "Student Lounge" discussion should also be included in each course and exists in the Master Course Template.
ID will add 1-2 more potential discussion seeds to the AA Instructor Notes page to be used in the future in the event that the instructors need an alternate discussion. The goal is to avoid any course defects coming back to LSG in the future with a request for a new discussion topic to be created.

How did we do?

How to import a CU course containing NEW quizzes
