Table of Contents

2. Video (Standard) - Wrike Task Definitions

Jason Carroll Updated by Jason Carroll

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Video (Standard)" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or missing here, please use the "Send Feedback" button in the lower right of this page to report it.

1. Prepare Talking Points or Video Script

Basic Task Description

Creating the slide deck template or video script for use with the voice-activated teleprompter is an IDA task within the Course Setup task. This task is to track when the faculty is drafting their content in the slide deck.

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The ID manages this task.
  2. ID determines whether faculty member will be using talking points or scripting
  3. The ID shares access to the talking points template with the faculty (with the initial video titles/code numbers and content notes from the outline).
  4. The ID marks the task Done when talking points/scripts are complete.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • IDD on approach with faculty
  • Video team on slide deck/script specs

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Non-Video Assets > Assets - Faculty Add Content is complete.
  • ID can manually reset start date as needed (remove predecessor)
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Talking Points vs. Scripts

  • Some faculty are more comfortable with one approach than the other
  • Scripts take more time upfront to create, but they streamline time in studio
  • Consult with the IDD and video team about how to approach the content and what may be needed.

2. Review Slides

Basic Task Description

ID does a close read of the slides/script before studio time

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The ID manages this task
  2. The ID reviews the faculty member’s talking points/script to ensure the key points from the outline are addressed, the teaching aligns with the project, and that they follow eC best practices (i.e., the <5 min guidelines, use pronoun “you”, don’t refer to other videos, etc)
  3. The ID marks the task Done when talking points/scripts are revised and changes have been approved by faculty member.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

IDD on any non-standard content questions

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is not set with a predecessor
  • ID can manually adjust start date as needed 
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

3. Conduct Practice Shoot (if needed)

Basic Task Description

Studio or alternative location is scheduled before the first official shoot takes place to give faculty the opportunity to practice the studio capture process. Conversely, a practice shoot may be conducted over zoom to give faculty and ID chance to work through any content questions and practice delivery before entering the studio

Workflow Guidelines

  1. The ID manages this task
  2. Does not need to involve video team in managing the task, but schedules following standard video shoot procedures
  3. The ID marks the task Done when faculty has practiced out loud and knows what they need to do next to prepare for video shoot.

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

  • ID
  • Video team if shoot is to take place anywhere other than standard studio (i.e., the loft or on-campus locations)

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is not set with a predecessor
  • ID can manually adjust start date as needed 
  • ID keeps dates and statuses updated

Common Mistakes/Confusion

  • The point is to get faculty prepared for the shoot and familiar with delivering their content. This can be as informal or formal as necessary depending on faculty experience, comfort, etc.
  • A benefit of this is faculty often recognize the need to further “tighten” their planned points or script - therefore allow a few days between practice and actual recording in case the faculty needs time to refine their plans

4. Conduct Video Shoot/s

Basic Task Description

Video content for course is captured

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Generally, the VP runs the technical side of the shoot and serves as director, the ID focuses on content and faculty instruction
  2. ID joins by zoom, whether on-site or off-site
  3. ID updates dates and statuses

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video producer assigned to the shoot

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with 2 predecessors: when Video (Standard) > Review Slides and Conduct Practice Shoot are complete.
  • Dates are impacted by studio, staffing, and faculty availability
  • Standard rule of thumb is 4 hours/half day for each short course (9-12 videos)

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Prior to shoot, the current protocol for arriving at the studio must be located and sent to the faculty member.

5. Video Processing

Basic Task Description

Videos are allocated to an editor. Editor works on V1 of all videos and uploads to Kaltura and FrameIO. They will populate the CPT with Kaltura ID codes

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Editor receives raw videos and CPT to begin video editing
  2. Editor marks done when task is complete and proceeds to the Review Studio Video task
  3. FrameIO review link is posted in Video Processing Wrike task for faculty and ID review

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video production supervisor for editor allocation 

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with 2 predecessors: when Video (Standard) > Conduct Video Shoot/s is complete.
  • ID must remember to trigger this in Wrike by setting it as To Do

Common Mistakes/Confusion

Editor will post a FrameIO playlist review, Kalutra playlist (if necessary) and any other location links in Wrike task

6. Review Studio Videos

Basic Task Description

ID and/or faculty review videos for content accuracy. This is more important to do if the faculty relied on bullet talking points than if they used a script

Workflow Guidelines

  1. Video Editor:
    1. Marks task To Do
    2. Assigns the ID
    3. Tags the ID in comments
    4. Provides a review link
  2. ID:
    1. Marks task In Progress
    2. Shares review link with faculty partner
    3. Marks task complete when done and proceeds to Place Raw Videos in Canvas task

Who to Tag if You Need More Info

Video editor

Who Defines Dates?

  • Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Video (Standard) > Video Processing is complete.
This step can be sped up or skipped entirely depending on faculty/ID discretion

Common Mistakes/Confusion

New faculty should be coached to only pay attention to content errors that would be misleading or confusing to learners. If errors are found, the first approach to remedy is to write context with the correction. Reshoots are to be discouraged, as they can significantly slow down the process.

7. Place Raw Videos in Canvas

Basic Task Description

ID/IDA uses Kaltura ID codes posted in the CPT to populate Canvas page

Workflow Guidelines


  1. Marks task To Do
  2. Assigns IDA if needed
  3. Tags IDA in Comments to indicate task is ready to begin

Who to Tag if You Need More Info


Who Defines Dates?

Initial date is set with a predecessor: when Video (Standard) > Review Studio Videos is complete.

Common Mistakes/Confusion

IDAs should be careful to make sure that every video has a distinct Kaltura code. Sometimes there are mistakes and videos can go missing.

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