Submitting a Course Maintenance Request

Casey Shew Updated by Casey Shew

When should I use the Course Maintenance request form?

eCornell Staff use the Course Maintenance Request Form to report issues in our courses. Use this form to report errors, bugs, broken functionality, incorrect or unclear content, or to suggest improvements to a course. Reported issues should be impacting several students/facilitators, or be an urgent blocker if only affecting one person. 

What happens once I submit a ticket?

Once you submit a ticket, it will be reviewed and directed to the relevant teams. If you are an eCornell Wrike user, you will be able to track the progress of your ticket through the workflow. Tickets will generally be either completed, marked as not applicable, or flagged as relevant information to discuss during future updates to the relevant program.

To learn more about the Wrike statuses and workflow, head to this Knowledge Base article about the Course Maintenance Request Form Workflow.

What are examples of each category of issues?

  1. Broken Functionality
    1. Broken link
    2. Malfunctions in tools/apps (i.e. Codio, Excel, Canvas gradebook, etc)
  2. Incorrect Content
    1. Mismatched/inaccurate captions/transcript
    2. Typos
    3. Incorrect math formulas
  3. Unclear Content
    1. Confusing instructions in Project
    2. Ambiguous quiz feedback
  4. Suggested Improvement
    1. Suggested re-ordering of content
    2. Suggested additional resources (exercises, readings, links, etc)
If I need to report multiple issues, what should I do?

If you have several instances of the same type of issue within a single course or series, those can be grouped into one ticket. For example, several typos or caption issues throughout a course.

Otherwise, please submit separate tickets for each issue so that we may handle each one with the appropriate team members.

When should I NOT use the Product Maintenance Request form?
  • First, check the Student Knowledge Base (, the Staff Knowledge Base (, and consult with colleagues to understand the scope of the problem before submitting a ticket.
  • Individual student issues that are not caused by problems with the course content, such as those related to enrollment or general confusion with the UI, should be reported to HelpDesk - reach out to Rachel Ricci (
  • General suggestions to improve the user experience/user interface, such as updates to the navigation menus, or general course layout/design should be reported to the Product Team - reach out to Zoë Roberts (
If I have other questions, what should I do?

If you have questions about the maintenance ticket process, reach out the #wrike-support Slack channel. Otherwise, reach out to your supervisor for further assistance.

How did we do?

Course Maintenance Request Form Workflow
