Wrike Process Training

Submitting a Course Maintenance Request

When should I use the Course Maintenance request form? eCornell Staff use the Course Maintenance Request Form to report issues in our courses. Use this form to report errors, bugs, broken functionali…

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew

Course Maintenance Request Form Workflow

How do I use the workflow statuses? The Course Maintenance (New) Wrike Workflow will be the standard used for Product Maintenance Tickets. Below, you can see a list of all the status options within t…

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew

Wrike Best Practices for Degree Program Projects

The following are best practices for managing Wrike projects related to Degree Programs identified by Rachel Healey & Pete Garcia, based on their years of experience organizing this work in Wrike. Th…

Casey Shew
Updated by Casey Shew
