Table of Contents

Adding Tasks

Adding new tasks into a Wrike project will be necessary when there are any unique needs or requests that arise during the development stage of a program/course. The need to add new tasks into a project will be especially important to keep in mind when thinking of requests for cross functional teams, such as the Creative or QA teams, as they will be anticipating the default set of tasks present in a course project template, unless notified otherwise.

Please consider the following when adding new tasks into a project.

Types of Tasks That Will Be Added

There are many reasons why you might need to add a task to a project plan in Wrike, however most of these will reflect unique tasks that pertain to the specific content, or working style of a faculty partner, for a specific program/course.

Here are some examples of potential types of tasks that have been added to projects in the past:

  • Additional Unique Video Shoots
  • Additional Reviews (either at the course level, or specific areas of course content)
  • Additional Planning Steps
  • Individual Tasks for Large/Complex Content Pieces

Using Gantt View

When adding new tasks the most effective view to use will be the "Gantt View". This is due to the added optionality provided to users within this particular view. A user would be presented with these options when right clicking on one of the tasks in the project within the Gantt view. This is an example of what would be seen:

Here is a description of each of the options above:

  • Add task above: Adds a new task at the same "level" directly above the selected task
  • Add task below: Adds a new task at the same "level" directly below the selected task
  • Add subtask: Adds a new task one level below the selected task, making the new task a direct subtask of the selected task
  • Convert to milestone: The milestone feature is not currently being used by the eCornell use case of Wrike
  • Outdent: Would move the selected task up one "level", making any tasks directly beneath it its subtasks. If selecting a task at the highest "level" the user would then have the option to "Indent" which is the same action, just in reverse.
  • Delete: Deletes the selected task

Tying New Tasks Into a Dependency Chain/Project Structure

When adding a new task to a project, it is recommended to add the new task as a subtask to an already existing task, when possible. That way the new task will not directly affect the already existing dependency chain of the project.

If need be, the new task can be added above or below the already existing tasks on the same level. However, it is then recommended to follow these multiple steps to make sure the new task is fitted into the dependency chain and project structure appropriately.

  1. Title the new task with the appropriate task title number
  2. Add the appropriate predecessor to the new task, to keep it in alignment with the rest of the dependency chain
  3. Adjust any existing predecessors as needed to account for the fact a new task has been added into the development plan
  4. Adjust the task title number sequencing as necessary to allow for continued ability to sort the project by "Title" to show a chronological view of events
  5. Perform an "Item Rollup" on the main task bucket once the steps above have been followed (more on "Rollups" below)
  • This is an example of all the above steps being fulfilled:
Note: After a task has been added, either as a subtask or above or below pre-existing tasks, the tasks dates should then be addressed by either the team member managing the project, or the team member assigned to the new task.

Assigning New Tasks

All new tasks added to a project should have an assignee added as well. That way the task will have someone appointed to make sure it is consistently updated.

There are multiple ways of adding assignees to tasks in Wrike. However, the recommended way to do so when adding tasks to a project, especially during a working session where multiple tasks might be being added to a project plan, would be to activate the "Assignee" field in the Gantt view where the user should already be working.

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