5. Review

5. Review - Wrike Task Definitions

This article contains definitions and essential info pertaining to all of the tasks in the "Review" milestone/bucket in the Wrike course development blueprint. If you notice anything out of date or m…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

1. Prep Course for Reviews

In order to ensure quality, it is essential to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of new courses before they are made available to students. This evaluation typically occurs after the cours…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll

2. Conduct Student Experience Review

Find out how to add comments to PDFs from Canvas page links.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

3. Implement Creative Director Edits

Sometimes, the creative director will conduct a review at the end of production looking for any edits that need to be made prior to it going live. This process is the same as resolving IDD Edits.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

3. Implement IDD Edits

After our internal reviews — Creative Director, IDD, and Student Experience — changes need to be implemented before the course is handed off to the faculty. This article explains the process for resolving edits from any of our internal reviewers.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

3. Implement Student Experience Review Edits

This process is the same as resolving IDD Edits.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

4. CSG - Revise Tools Export 1

Check the review process leading up to the Creative Export task.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

5. Conduct Faculty Review

Find out how to add comments to PDFs from Canvas page links.

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

6. Implement Faculty Edits

Implement Faculty Edits. The following articles are related to this workflow: InCopy ID/CE Team Instructions Google Sync Instructions

Markette Pierce
Updated by Markette Pierce

7. Conduct Technical Review of Course (STEM-only)

Course Technical Review. A technical review is performed by eCornell staff members to assess the completeness and accuracy of a course. There are various kinds of courses now offered through eCornell…

Pavel Dimens
Updated by Pavel Dimens

2. Conduct IDD or Sr ID Review

1. Prelude. Before it gets to you for review, it should have gone through the ID checklist, which means the ID or IDA has already checked for a lot of standard things. 2. Check charter. Map home page…

Jason Carroll
Updated by Jason Carroll
