Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter Notebooks - nbgrader tweaks

It's sometimes necessary to tweak nbgrader for specific courses or assignments. This article details common tweaks that have been necessary for eC courses that use Codio with Jupyter Notebooks and nbgrader.

Updated by Nick

Jupyter Notebooks Style Guide

This article intends to walk you through a consistent style guide for Jupyter Notebooks that is to be applied to all eCornell courses requiring notebooks. By applying consistent practices in notebook…

Brock Schmutzler
Updated by Brock Schmutzler

Adding Extensions to Jupyter Notebooks

Adding Jupyter extensions. The stock Jupyter notebooks experience is alright but leaves room for improvement. From a student experience, it may be useful to have some extra features like a navigable…

Pavel Dimens
Updated by Pavel Dimens

Setting up R with Jupyter Notebooks

Installing R. Installing R in Codio is a matter of using apt to pull the right packages. Before you start, you should do a cursory sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade. These boxes don't get updated o…

Pavel Dimens
Updated by Pavel Dimens

Change Jupyter Notebook Auto Save Interval

Jupyter Notebook - Change Auto Save Interval. As a Codio admin, navigate to the following directory in the terminal: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/notebook/static/custom/. Enter the followin…

Updated by Nick

How to Change CSS in Jupyter Notebook

How to Change CSS in Jupyter Notebook. In the Codio terminal, navigate to the following directory: /home/codio/.jupyter. If the custom folder does not exist, create it with sudo mkdir custom. Navigat…

Updated by Nick
