Facilitator Expectations and Grading Help

​Quick Reference: Sort assignments in the Speedgrader

This article provides a quick guide for sorting assignments in the Speedgrader by date they were submitted.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

​Rubrics for Effective Facilitation

This article shares the eCornell Rubrics for Effective Facilitation, for both standard and dedicated sections.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

​Adding an Attempt to a Course Project

An article that walks you through how to add an attempt to a Course Project (new format).

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

(NEW Format) How do I grade Course Projects?

This article provides step-by-step directions on how to grade Course Projects within Canvas.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

Navigating the Gradebook and Accessing the Speedgrader

This article provides an overview of the Canvas gradebook, as well as a general overview of how to grade an assignment within the Speedgrader.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

How do I Grade Quizzes?

This article provides a brief guide on grading quizzes manually.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

(Old format) How Do I Grade Course Projects and Add Annotations?

This article provides step-by-step directions on how to grade Course Projects within Canvas. Please note this article is for Course Projects which used the OLD format (Word document).

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

Is There an Answer Key for my Course?

This articles walks you through how to access the AA Facilitator Notes page within your course, which may contain an answer key, or other helpful resources.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

How to Monitor and Promote Student Progress

This article walks you through seeing a students participation in your course, as well as some guidance on how to document student activity.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

How Do I Grade Discussions?

This articles walks you through grading Discussions via the Speedgrader in Canvas.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb

How Quickly Do I Need to Provide Grading to Students?

This article provides an overview of eCornell expectations for grading.

Allison McComb
Updated by Allison McComb
