Create a New Course Shell

  1. Search for the master course template by clicking Admin in the left-hand toolbar. Click eCornell.
  1. Search for either "8675309" or "master course template."
  1. Select the course from the result list.
  2. Click Settings on the left-side navigation pane.

  1. The Course Details screen opens. Click Copy This Course.
  1. Populate the Name field with the course code and name. Use the following format for this field: ABC101DEV: Introduction to Education.
Be sure to add "DEV" to the course code of every course you create.
  1. Populate the Course Code field with the course code and "DEV".
  1. Leave Start Date and End Date fields as is.
  2. The "All Content" radio button is selected by default. Leave this as is.
  1. Click Create New Course.
Never create a blank course and then import content from the master template. This causes many problems later in the process.

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