Table of Contents

PRJ Conversion Process Directions

Markette Pierce Updated by Markette Pierce

Converting a Course

When working to convert a course with a document-based project to a quiz-based project, the standards and templates you need are in the PRJ Conversion Course. Please be cautious not to edit this course as you use it to convert courses in our catalog.

To guide your work while converting a course, please be sure to use the PRJ Conversion Checklist. The template is kept current to evolving standards.

Below, see directions on how to convert a course from a doc-based project to a quiz-based one.

New Home Page

Check out the Update to New Home Page Style document for information about checking and editing the new home page.


When polishing a course after initial conversion and before deployment, be sure to use the PRJ-Final Polish/ QA Checklist.

Creating a PRJ Course Transcript

Creating a course transcript for a PRJ course has some nuances that are outlined in this PRJ-Course Transcripts document. As new information about how to best address older CTs is discovered, check this document for updates.

For general details about creating a course transcript, also see the Create & Add Course Transcript (CT) to Course article.

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